Babylon v7.5.2 r13-ZWT

Monday, March 30, 2009

Release Group: TEAM ZERO WAiTiNG TiME
Release Name:Babylon.v7.5.2.r13-ZWT
Release Date: 30/03/09
Size:6.63 MB

Babylon 7 is the worlds leading dictionary and translationsoftware in over 75 languages.

No more spelling mistakes or time wasted looking for the correctword or translation. With Babylon 7, reading and writing in alllanguages is easier, faster and more efficient.

Babylon 7 does all the work for you with great new automaticfeatures: Spell check of your online text entry, Smart dictionaryto and from any language and Auto completion of your query terms.

Babylon main features:

* Simple and intuitive Single Click activation
* Enables full text translation
* The world’s knowledge of Wikipedia already inside
* Additional content from Oxford, Britannica, Merriam Webster, Larousse and other leading publishers
* Spell check for Hotmail, Gmail, Blogs…
* Auto completion feature, which completes words or phrases as you type

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